Candidaturas abertas para Oficial de Projetos do CBGG | Open call for GGBC Project Officer

No âmbito do Projeto de Compensação RSPO da Agripalma temos neste momento aberta uma vaga para oficial de projeto. Estamos à procura de pessoas com formação e experiência na área do ambiente e da gestão de projetos, e que estejam motivadas para se juntar ao CBGG para trabalhar em prol da biodiversidade nas ilhas oceânicas do Golfo da Guiné. Se estás interessado, ou conheces alguém que possa estar interessado, as candidaturas estão abertas até 28 de fevereiro de 2025. Os detalhes podem ser encontrados no documento abaixo.

In the scope of the RSPO Compensation Project of Agripalma, we have an open vacancy for a project officer. We are looking for people with training and experience working in the environmental sector and in project management, and that are highly motivated to join GGBC to working towards the biodiversity of the oceanic islands of the Gulf of Guinea. If you are interested, or know someone who might be, the call is open until February 28 2025. Details can be found in the document below.    

Detalhas | Details


Gestora de Projetos do CBGG | GGBC Project Manager

Temos o prazer de receber nossa primeira funcionária em tempo integral, Beldomira Costa da Mata, que é Gestora de Projeto do Projeto de Compensação RSPO da Agripalma. Beldomira nasceu em São Tomé e tem mais de oito anos de experiência em gestão de projetos e envolvimento comunitário. Os seus projetos anteriores vão desde o desenvolvimento humano à sustentabilidade, incluindo um piloto de recife artificial (implementado pela ONG MARAPA) e a reciclagem comunitária de vidro em joias (implementado pela Fundação Príncipe). Bem-vinda Beldomira!


We are excited to welcome our first full-time staff member, Beldomira Costa da Mata, who is the Project Manager for the Agripalma RSPO Compensation Project. Beldomira was born in São Tomé and has over eight years of experience in project management and community engagement. Her previous projects range from human development to sustainability, including an artificial reef pilot (implemented by the NGO MARAPA) and community-led recycling of glass into jewelry (implemented b Fundação Príncipe). Welcome Beldomira!

Luís Fernando Marques Mendes: 1946–2023

Luís Mendes, as he was known in academic life, was born in Lisbon, Portugal, June 22, 1946. He passed away in the same city on September 14 2023. 

Luís graduated in biology in 1971 from the University of Lisbon, the institution where he pursued his academic career (PhD in 1983, Aggregation in 1987) and where he taught from 1970 to 1994. From 1990 onwards, Luís moved to the Tropical Research Institute (IICT), where he became Head Researcher in 1995. After retiring in 2014, he continued working intensively – devoting most of his energy to the study of the butterflies of Angola and the islands of São Tomé and Príncipe. He did this as invited researcher at CIBIO (Research Centre in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources from the University of Porto) and as invited curator at MUHNAC (the Portuguese National Museum of Natural History).  

His research life was devoted to the study of insects. Luís participated in the creation of the Portuguese Entomological Society in 1978, where he provided editorial duties until his death. He published more than 200 papers covering the building blocks required to grasp the most diverse animal group: taxonomy, phylogeny, distribution, and biogeography. He was the first author of the massive three-volume work ‘Butterflies of Angola’, of which only the first volume has been published, with the second in production, and with Luís busy completing the third – together with his long-time close academic partner-in-arms António Bivar de Sousa – until a few weeks before he passed away. He also completed the book ‘The Butterflies of São Tomé and Príncipe’ that will be published in 2024, sadly without Luís present to see the final result. Although most people will recall Luís for his expertise in butterflies, he was considered a world authority in the former order Thysanura – now split in Archaeognatha (jumping bristletails) and Zygentoma (silverfish). 

Luís described more than 220 species and subspecies, 57 genera and subgenera, eight subfamilies and one family of insects new to science (Orders Microcoryphia, Zygentoma and, in collaboration, Phthiraptera: Mallophaga and Lepidoptera: Saturnoidea and Papilionoidea).

Luís was a keen fieldworker. During his military service, in the early 1970s, Luís coordinated oceanographic cruises in the Macaronesia islands. From 1980 onward, he participated in and often coordinated several zoological missions, mainly to tropical and subtropical areas, including São Tomé e Príncipe (which he visited multiple times), Angola, Guinea-Bissau, and China (Macau). In Portugal he was particularly interested in the archipelagos of the Azores, Madeira, and Savage islands, but he also worked elsewhere in Europe. He was adept of spreading the word – having curated several exhibitions on insects and participating actively in many outreach actions for the general public and to younger audience in particular. His enthusiasm must have certainly brought many young minds into the field of biodiversity.

Many colleagues paid homage to Luís’ dedication and contribution to science by naming species after him, including one genus of Microcoryphia, ten species of other insect orders (Diplura, Microcoryphia, Zygentoma, Dermaptera, Phthiraptera: Mallophaga, Coleoptera, Strepsiptera and Diptera), and even a snake from the Gulf of Guinea island he seemed to love above all: the Príncipe brown house snake Boaedon mendesi

Luís Mendes was extremely supportive of the efforts that led to the creation of the Gulf of Guinea Biodiversity Centre (GGBC), of which he was a founding member. From its inception, the GGBC attributed Luís Mendes an Honorary Membership as a way of acknowledging his major contributions to the knowledge of the biodiversity of the Gulf of Guinea islands. GGBC founding member Jorge Palmeirim, Professor at Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon where Luis Mendes studied and started his academic and teaching career, summarises well the feelings of all of those who were lucky to meet Luís: “Luís was one of my greatest professors! As his student, I often found myself motivated and inspired by his infectious passion for nature, especially his love for the tiniest creatures. My memories of him will always be marked by his warm smile, as he recounted his latest adventure or discovery with childlike enthusiasm. Wonderful memories indeed…”

Photo by João Ferrand

Projeto Canto dos Pássaros | Bird Song Project

O Projeto Birdsong nasceu de uma ideia simples, mas bonita - desafiar alguns dos mais talentosos produtores e músicos de uma região do mundo a criar uma música inspirada em um pássaro ameaçado de extinção de seu país. As músicas são compiladas para fazer um álbum, com 100% dos fundos arrecadados com as vendas usados para apoiar organizações locais que trabalham para salvar essas espécies de aves e seus habitats. Devido ao trabalho do CBGG com o bicudo de São Tomé, uma das aves em destaque no álbum, bem como outras espécies endêmicas da ilha, fomos selecionados para receber o apoio deste projeto, juntamente com o Nigerian Bird Atlas Project (NIBAP ) da Nigéria e a Association Nature Koussabel (ANAK) do Senegal.

Você pode ouvir e comprar a música aqui.


The Birdsong Project was born from a simple but beautiful idea – to challenge some of the most talented producers and musicians from one region of the world to create a song inspired by an endangered bird from their country. The songs are compiled to make an album, with 100% of the funds raised from sales used to support local organizations working to save these bird species and their habitats. Because of GGBC's work with the São Tomé grosbeak, one of the featured birds on the album, as well as other endemic species on the island, we have been selected to receive support from this project, together with the The Nigerian Bird Atlas Project (NIBAP) of Nigeria and the Association Nature Koussabel (ANAK) of Senegal.

You can listen to and purchase the music here.

Arte e Biodiversidade | Art and Biodiversity

O projeto levado a cabo pela equipa do GGBC (California Academy of Sciences e a Raizarte), que trabalha para a sensibilização comunitária na questão da relação entre Homem e Natureza, Mar e Terra, através da educação pela arte. Iniciamos este percurso com o lançamento do Concurso Mar e Terra na Escola Secundária Maria Manuela Margarida, São Tomé e Príncipe, cuja missão é o alunos escreverem uma peça de teatro sobre o tema mencionado. Continuem a acompanhar este projeto


A new project carried out by GGBC partners (Raizarte and California Academy of Sciences) aims to increase community awareness on the relationship between humans and nature (sea and land) through environmental education and art. The first phase of this work is the launch of the Sea and Land Contest at Maria Manuela Margarida High School, São Tomé and Prince, in which students are learning about their local biodiversity though workshops and field trips. Ultimately they will produce a play that they will perform for local communities. For project updates follow along here

Formação técnicos da Agripalma | Workshop for Agripalma technicians

A fauna e flora de STP, os desafios e oportunidades da conservação da biodiversidade, os direitos ambientais e ferramentas de comunicação para uma melhor sensibilização sobre a temática ambiental, foram temas abordados durante uma formação de 5 dias, direccionada a técnicos da empresa Agripalma. A capacitação é um dos principais meios de sensibilizar cada um de nós sobre a importância do nosso papel enquanto agentes de conservação.Nesta formação, além da equipa da BirdLife International Africa, houve a colaboração de Ricardo Lima da Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes - ce3c, Antunes Pina do Programa Tatô, Daniel Velarde da BIOPOLIS-Cibio, Maria do Céu Madureira dos Tesouros d'Obô, Dilson Madre Deus do Projecto Flora Ameaçada e Sabino Carvalho. Para mais detalhes e fotos CLIQUE AQUI.


During a 5-day training aimed at technicians of the company Agripalma, the following topics were discussed: STP's fauna and flora, biodiversity conservation challenges and opportunities, environmental rights and communication tools for better awareness on environmental issues. Training is one of the main means of raising awareness about the importance of our role as conservation agents.

In this training, in addition to the team of Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes - ce3c , there was the collaboration of Ricardo Lima from Tesouros d'Obô, Antunes Pina from BirdLife International Africa, Daniel Velarde from Programa Tatô, Maria do Céu Madureira from BIOPOLIS-Cibio, Dilson Madre Deus from the Flora Ameacada Project and Sabino Carvalho. For more details and photos CLICK HERE.

Novo livro “open access” (gratuito) | New “open access” (free) book

Os biólogos começaram a descrever a biodiversidade do Golfo da Guiné durante o período colonial. A maioria das espécies endémicas de animais vertebrados recebeu nomes científicos no final do século XIX e início do século XX. Annobón, a ilha mais pequena e afastada, recebeu menos atenção científica do que São Tomé e Príncipe, mas estudos recentes confirmam que abriga várias aves, mamíferos e répteis endémicos. Os cientistas continuam a descrever novas espécies a partir das expedições que têm sido realizadas. A soma deste conhecimento tem evidenciado o grande potencial destas ihas como modelo para estudar evolução, ecologia e conservação. Este trabalho está resumido em um novo livro “open access” (gratuito) Biodiversity of the Gulf of Guinea Oceanic Islands. Uma tradução para o português está em andamento.


Scientists first started describing Gulf of Guinea biodiversity during colonial times. Most endemic vertebrate animal species received scientific names in the late 19th and early 20th century. The smallest island, Annobón, has received less scientific attention than São Tomé and Príncipe, but recent studies confirm that this small island hosts several endemic birds, mammals, and reptiles. Scientists continue to describe new species from ongoing expeditions, but increasingly the islands are now used as models to study evolution, ecology and conservation. This work is summarized in a new open access (free) book Biodiversity of the Gulf of Guinea Oceanic Islands.

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Identificação de Áreas de Alto Valor de Conservação no Príncipe |

Identifying High Conservation Value Areas in Príncipe

A 13 de Maio foi feita a apresentação pública dos resultados preliminares do trabalho de mestrado em "Ecologia e Gestão Ambiental" da Katharina d'Avis, registada na Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa e que visa identificar Áreas de Alto Valor de Conservação na ilha do Príncipe. A apresentação teve lugar no Centro Cultural do Príncipe e simultaneamente online, estando agora disponível um vídeo da sessão. Este trabalho conta com o apoio da BirdLife International e da Fundação Príncipe.


On May 13 preliminary results of the "Ecology and Environmental Management" MSc work of Katharina d'Avis, registered at Lisbon University Faculty of Sciences, were presented to the public. This work aims to identify High Conservation Value Areas on Príncipe Island. The presentation took place at the Príncipe Cultural Center and was simultaneously broadcast online, now available on video. This work is being supported by BirdLife International and Fundação Príncipe.


Três passos importantes para prevenir coronavírus! |

Three important steps to prevent the spread of coronavirus!

Infelizmente, as comunidades em São Tomé e Príncipe estão sendo afetadas pela pandemia global COVID-19. Em junho 2020, a equipa do GGBC e seus parceiros, iniciaram a distribuição de páginas para colorir, onde os animais endêmicos das ilhas de nosso currículo de educação sobre a biodiversidade, descrevem os passos importantes para evitar a disseminação do coronavirus. Estamos distribuindo milhares de cópias (juntamente com máscaras de tecido confeccionadas localmente e lápis de cor) nas comunidades mais remotas e carentes de São Tomé e Príncipe.

Se você gostaria de fazer uma doação para esta iniciativa, por favor clique em JUNTE-SE A NÓS!

NOVIDADE: CLIQUE AQUI para assistir o vídeo da campanha de prevenção contra COVID do STeP UP que foi ao ar em rede nacional de televisão em São Tomé e Príncipe.


Unfortunately, communities in São Tomé and Príncipe have not been spared from the COVID-19 global pandemic. Starting in June 2020, the GGBC team and partners are distributing coloring pages depicting important steps to prevent the spread of coronavirus that feature the island endemic animals from our biodiversity education curriculum. We are distributing thousands of copies of these pages (along with locally produced cloth masks and coloring pencils) to communities in São Tomé and Príncipe, with a focus on more remote and underserved communities.

If you would like to contribute funds to this initiative, please click JOIN US!

UPDATE: click here to view STeP UP video for COVID prevention that airs on national television in São Tomé and Príncipe.

(Illustration by Jim Boyer)


Conheça mais sobre o trabalho de

Ricardo Lima! | Learn more about the work of

Ricardo Lima!

Ricardo Lima é investigador no Centro de Ecologia, Evolução e Alterações Ambientais (cE3c) e o seu trabalho de investigação foca-se no estudo do impacto das atividades humanas na biodiversidade endémica das ilhas de São Tomé e Príncipe. A primeira viagem até às ilhas verdes aconteceu há 12 anos e desde então, a aprendizagem tem sido contínua, assim como as descobertas. Outros estudantes e investigadores da Faculdade voaram e continuam a voar até lá, para vivenciar o fascínio das florestas tropicais com espécies únicas e muitos mistérios por revelar.

No vídeo, fique a conhecer o seu trabalho. Na entrevista, saiba mais sobre a história de quem aterrou em São Tomé e Príncipe para valorizar o riquíssimo património natural destas ilhas e que mantém a vontade de voltar.





Ricardo Lima is a researcher at the Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Change (cE3c), and his research focuses on the impact of human activities on the endemic biodiversity of São Tomé and Príncipe Islands. He first visited the tropical islands 12 years ago, and since then it has been a process of continuous learning. Other students and researchers have joined and continue to join him, to experience the fascination of tropical forests full of unique species and unsolved mysteries.

In the video, learn more about his work. In the interview, learn more about the story of those who first landed in São Tomé and Príncipe to study the valuable natural heritage of these islands and those who are still searching for answers.




(photo by Ricardo Rocha)


Reunião inaugural do CBGG | Inaugural meeting for the GGBC

Em 16 de outubro 2020, teve lugar a primeira assembleia geral do Centro de Biodiversidade do Golfo da Guiné. Cerca de 50 ambientalistas - investigadores, educadores ambientais, conservacionistas; todos apaixonados pelas ilhas oceânicas únicas de Príncipe, São Tomé e Annobón, aprovaram por unanimidade os estatutos e a direção interina do CBGG! Com o apoio dos membros, procederá ao registo da organização como uma associação sem fins lucrativos ao abrigo da lei de São Tomé. Um passo fundamental para a formalização do centro! Um enorme obrigado a todos aqueles que permitiram que isto acontecesse, e àqueles que estão e estarão empenhados para o desenvolvimento desta iniciativa!


On October 16, 2020 the first general assembly of the Gulf of Guinea Biodiversity Center the took place. About 50 environmentalists - researchers, environmental educators, conservationists; with a shared passion for the uniqueness of the oceanic islands of Príncipe, São Tomé and Annobón, unanimously approved the statutes and the interim direction of the GGBC! With the support of the members, we will proceed to register the organization as a non-profit association under the Sãotomean law. A fundamental step towards the formalization of the center! A huge thank you to all those who have helped to make this possible, and to those who are and will be committed to the development of this initiative!

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Palestra Virtual |

Virtual Lecture,

California Academy of Sciences

No dia 22 de setembro de 2020, Rayna Bell deu uma palestra virtual gratuita, parte da série Clube do Café da Manhã da California Academy of Sciences, destacando algumas das descobertas científicas mais emocionantes de quase duas décadas de expedições às ilhas pela equipe do GGBC e colegas. O foco central da “corrida pela biodiversidade” é a comunicação dos resultados aos são-tomenses por meio da mídia local e divulgação nas comunidades, Bell também compartilhou algumas das maneiras pelas quais o GGBC dissemina as descobertas sobre a biodiversidade que estão causando um impacto em escala local e internacional.



On September 22nd, 2020 Rayna Bell presented a free virtual lecture as part of the California Academy of Science’s Breakfast Club series, highlighting some of the most exciting scientific discoveries from nearly two decades of expeditions to the islands by the GGBC team and colleagues. Since a central focus of the “biodiversity race” is communicating results to São Toméans through local media and community outreach, Bell will also shared some of the ways GGBC biodiversity discoveries are making an impact on a local and international scale.

Lecture Recording Here!

(Photo by Andrew Stanbridge)



Pública |

Public Lecture, California Academy of Sciences

On February 26th, 2020 Rayna Bell presented a free public lecture at the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco highlighting some of the most exciting scientific discoveries from nearly two decades of expeditions to the islands by the GGBC team and colleagues. Since a central focus of the “biodiversity race” is communicating results to São Toméans through local media and community outreach, Bell also shared some of the ways GGBC biodiversity discoveries are making an impact on a local and international scale.

(Photo by Kathryn Whitney, California Academy of Sciences)


Pesquisa Internacional de Aves Aquáticas |

International Waterbird Count

Entre 16 e 29 de janeiro de 2020, o GGBC liderou a Contagem Internacional de Aves Aquáticas em São Tomé e Príncipe com a participação de 25 pessoas de várias instituições. A contagem abrangeu toda a costa e pequenos ilhéus localizados no alto mar, incluindo as Tinhosas. Após quase 50 locais visitados, três passeios de barco e algumas visitas adicionais, 26 espécies de aves aquáticas foram registradas, incluindo o primeiro registro de águias marinhas para o país, e as estimativas das colônias de aves marinhas em Tinhosas foram atualizadas. O objetivo principal foi coletar informações para orientar as políticas de conservação relacionadas a espécies de aves aquáticas e regiões pantanosas, e engajar o santomense em atividades de conservação e biodiversidade.



Between the 16th and 29th of January 2020, the GGBC led the International Waterbird Count in São Tomé and Príncipe with 25 people from multiple institutions participating. The surveys covered the whole coast and small offshore islets, including the Tinhosas. After almost 50 point counts, three boat trips and a few additional visits, 26 species of waterbirds were recorded, including the first record of osprey for the country and updated estimates for the Tinhosas seabird colonies. The main goal was to collect information to guide conservation policies relating to waterbird species and wetlands, and engaging Santomeans in biodiversity and conservation activities.


(photo by EU-ECOFAC project/ BirdLife International)

Foto principal: avifauna endêmica | Banner photo: endemic avifauna (by Andrew Stanbridge)