Print Media Articles | impressa
A sampling of popular news articles featuring our work in the Gulf of Guinea archipelago. Click on the image to read the full article online. | Artigos sobre o nosso trabalho no arquipélago do Golfo da Guiné. Clique na imagem para ler o artigo completo.

radio interviews | entrevistas de rádio
A sampling of radio interviews with GGBC team members about our work in the Gulf of Guinea. Click on the links to listen to full interviews. | Entrevistas de rádio com membros da equipa do CBGG sobre o nosso trabalho no Golfo da Guiné. Clique nos links para ouvir as entrevistas completas.
Radio Científica / mente - Martim Melo - Aves de São Tomé e Príncipe / Birds of São Tomé and Príncipe (2010)
Geração Digital - Ricardo de Lima - A Conservação em STP / Conservation in STP (2019)
90 Segundos de Ciência - Ricardo de Lima - Conservação de búzios terrestres de São Tomé e Príncipe / Conservation of giant land snails of São Tomé and Príncipe (2019)
Television and other video media | AUDIOVISUAL
A sampling of television interviews and outreach initiatives led by GGBC team members. Click on the links and/or embedded clips to view videos. | Entrevistas para televisão e iniciativas lideradas por membros da equipa do CBGG. Clique nos links e/ou clipes incorporados para ver os vídeos.
ECOFAC6 Video Competition - (click link to redirect to the Ecofac6 facebook page) - BirdLife International de São Tomé Obô Ôvyô - Patrimoine Naturel et Culturel des Aires Protégées d’Afrique Centrale (2021)
France 2 - (click link to redirect to France 2 website) - Ricardo de Lima + Jean-Baptiste Deffontaines - Biodiversité: la forêt de São Tomé, un joyau brut classé par l’UNESCO (2020)
RTP – (click link to redirect to RTP website) - Robert Drewes - Floresta de São Tomé e Príncipe é paraíso biológico esquecido, diz investigador americano (2011)
RTP – (click link to redirect to RTP website) - Martim Melo - Aves de São Tomé (2008)
RTP – 30 minute documentary, episode 7 out of 13 of the series "The New Philosophical Voyages". Martim Melo explores the forests of the oceanic islands of the Gulf of Guinea in search for clues on the origin of an unparalled wealth of endemic birds. Um mundo de espécies no equador (Portuguese Public TV, 2016 and 2018).
Ricardo Lima worked with "ASSOMUSICOS - Associação dos músicos de São Tomé e Príncipe" to produce the song "Inem Bô" that promotes youth engagement to protect the unique biodiversity of São Tomé and Príncipe.
Short video on the importance of forests in São Tomé and Príncipe. Produced by Aidnature in partnership with Ricardo Lima and BirdLife.
Camera trap videos of the Critically Endangered Dwarf Olive Ibis in the São Tomé Obô Natural Park, obtained during studies of its ecology by Ricardo Lima and other partners.
Foto principal: entrevista com notícias do Príncipe | Banner photo: interview with Príncipe news (by Andrew Stanbridge)